The end of August is almost with us and several plant species have begun to flower. The daisy flower clusters of epyphitic Brachiglotis kirkii dot the bush and clematis is in flower further down the 309. It promises to be an impressive year for Olearia rani and manuka both of which have begun to flower.
Kereru are looking magnificent and have been feeding on Tarairi berries. They have started their stalling display dives. Harriers have been displaying noisily high above the bush.
Tui are quieter than they were a month ago and bellbird are now more obvious.Tomtit, Grey Warbler and fantail are singing well joining many of the exotics. Song thrush are not numerous in the bush but there are a few singing well. Greenfinch have returned and joined the many Blackbird, Chaffinches and occasional Goldfinch as well as Dunnocks.
A kaka flew low over the house a few mornings ago.
The recent rat monitoring has shown that the bush is very full of rats and accompanying stoats, probably due to last years bumper forest growth. We will need to get on top of these pests before the breeding season which promises to be prolific.